
If this is your first time here, click the Register button below to create an account.


Welcome to the Pharr Housing Authority Applicant Portal

Please register if you have already submitted an application and you are currently placed on a waiting list for Public Housing or Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) Programs. After you have successfully registered, you may view your application and update your information.

For example: Change of address, telephone number, income, family size, etc. You may also apply to any additional open waiting lists, if any, through the Applicant Portal.

You will need an E-Mail Address to register your account in addition to your Name, Social Security Number, and Date of Birth. You will only need to register once. If you do not have a valid Social Security Number, please contact the Pharr Housing Authority and we will provide you with a number to complete your registration process.

Telephone Numbers:

(956) 787-1822

(956) 787-9501

(956) 787-4217

(956) 787-4218